Why Should I Seek Consultation For....

Life's Problems

life is not easy and it comes with a multitude of problems it’s not easy to share with people around us in the fear of embarrassment, and you shouldn’t share certain deep issues with people in your life because some people cannot be trusted with our secrets, especially if that relationship turns sour, people can share your secrets and problems with others connected to you or even use them against you. Also, sometimes people will wrongly diagnose your issue and give the wrong advice because they don’t have the know-how on how to systematically treat the issue in a healthy way. That is why in some cases its best not to keep things inside or seek advice from the people but to seek professional help where you are insured confidentiality, understanding and wisdom….life problems can manifest themselves in different ways these include

Stress and anxiety
life comes with stressful situations these can be short-lived stresses and they can be reoccurring; one thing is for sure you cannot hide from them and expect them to disappear. A job interview, Exams, abusive relationships, personal traumas are some things that can cause anxiety. If anything causes anxiety it must be faced gradually and in the right way for it to become better that’s why one would need help in this aspect

Loss is a unavoidable part of life, but that fact does not make it any easier to deal with. People handle loss of a loved one, opportunity or things differently, because if you invest time and your emotions on something or someone and for some reason that person or item gets taken away from you all of a sudden it can cause one to be very sad .Grieving openly or in private are both common, but avoiding the truth in loss can lead to other mental issues. A psychologist can help you find healthy and self-reassuring way to cope with the loss of a loved one or anything in which you once loved.

Strong feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are common signs of depression.
Some people in today’s world think that you can simply snap out of depression. That is far from the truth
Depression is a very common mental health disorder where people lose interest in things, feel tired often, yet have restless nights and often have trouble managing their emotions. Long story short it can feel like you’re continually sinking into a deep dark hole with no way of getting out.
Psychologists can help find where the source of depression is coming from, this is the first step to feeling better, together with helping with the negative thought processes.

Being sacred of heights, spiders and snakes are common and understandable phobias, but some fears can be crippling and affect our quality of life, for example atychiphobia is the intense fear of failure people with this phobia can avoid any situation where they can see a potential for failure, like an exam or a job interview.
An experienced psychologist can help you with time to overcome your fears in order for you to live a better life without polyphobia (fear of many things) or phobophobia (fear of fear).
Family And Relationship Issues
Relationships in family, personal or work-related have ups and downs. relationships can be wonderful and give meaning to life, but they can be the source of stress and problems.
Working with a good psychologist in a group setting or individually can fix the issues that often surface in tense situations, leading to stronger and healthier relationships.

Family Therapy

is a way to develop or maintain healthy or functional family relationships. The goal is to identify and remedy problems in the family. These issues could be emotional, psychological, or behavioural in certain individuals or the family as a unit.

In most cases family issues can be easily solved just by talking about them in the family unit, but this is not always the case because people can always have secrets or issues that stem from within or outside of the family unit that affect the interpersonal relationships within the family. Its important that the family seeks professional help for these problems because it can cause more harm in the family if left unattended, like children with built up anger against parents ie divorce or siblings over something that happened years ago, or children with drug or social issues due to parents unknowingly mistreating the child, there are a multitude of problems that can cause an individual or a family to not function in a healthy manner. This is why the family should seek a psychologist who can provide a safe space for each person in the family to give transparency on what makes them unhappy or behave in an undesired way. The psychologist will have the know-how on how to be the mediator between all members of the family to come to a fair unbiased healthy solution. Seeking professional help can be hard in the beginning but once the family receives the consultation it will feel like a cloud has been lifted from the household as the interpersonal issues in the family have been attended to.


Benefits of counselling vary from family to family, but they can include:
• developing healthy boundaries
• adapting to a major change
• remediating inconsistent parenting
• improving communication
• defining someone’s role within the family
• improving family dynamics and relationships
• providing strength and coping tools for family members
• pinpointing and addressing dysfunctional interactions
• improving the family’s problem-solving abilities
• dealing with a chronic illness or death in the family
• developing a functional and healthy relationship following a divorce
• better communication or expression of emotions

General Life and Mental Wellbeing

Matters of the heart are a part of life we find hard to avoid as people, because we all want the feeling of being loved by a significant other, and difficulties can arise when time goes by with life’s ups and downs. All couples experience conflict. For some couples they fight about children ,money ,sex, infidelity or suspicion, lack of affection and any lack of anything from the relationship. Dating or marriage relationship is a continual process that goes through many phases ,some phases more difficult than others, this is because we all go through changes along with the world that we live in, and that being said a person cannot give up on a relationship at the first sign of difficulty because that type of mentality will lead to a person having a unhappy life constantly changing partners due to this. The best thing to understand in relationships is that no one is perfect and that we are all a work in progress and that both parties in the relationship can make things work for better or for worse. Its not about finger pointing, but its about finding a solution that can lessen the severity of the problem, because its not always about the problem but it’s the way the problem is being confronted that leads to partners becoming distant from each other leading to wanting separation or building hatred, thus a unbiased mediator with knowledge of these types of relationships is needed to help the couple overcome each others shortcomings because separation can cause more harm than good in the greater scheme of things especially where there are kids involved. And if the damage is irreversible then a Phycologist can make the co-parenting or separation of both parties more civil.

Child Educational Problems

One of the biggest investments you will ever make is in your Childs future, as a parent you cannot choose your child’s career path, but you can surely help make their dreams come true, helping them with they’re education is the first step of making that dream a reality. Taking care of their education and making sure that they get into the habit of continually learning is best way of taking care of them because education is one thing that the world can’t take from us.
Educational psychology focuses on the development of children and adolesents.it studies the factors that affect the growth and development of individuals. It’s important to understand what makes a child succeed and what makes a child fail, teachers alone can’t help a child pass, parents need to be actively involved in this process constantly, it can be difficult being a parent with a child with some sort of learning issue, and as people we don’t always have the answers to everything, that’s why it’s important to seek both parent and child counselling so that the parent can understand what they can do to help the child to perform better at learning what they can do to successfully assist the child

Marriage And Daiting Problem

One of the most important things in our lives is how we treat ourselves and how we feel about ourselves more than how we treat other people, because in many cases people are not aware about the things we go through in our minds. It’s important that we always take note of how we feel, especially when there is a feeling of sadness even when there’s nothing particularly bad that’s happening in our lives, this could be an issue with mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing is how we respond to life’s external ups and downs. This is a simple definition of mental wellbeing but in this lies deeper meaning for our lives .it includes how a person acts, thinks and handles emotion


Mental wellbeing is a very important part of who we are, it has many meanings and it’s important that we learn how to regulate it with the help of a psychologist .for example


• Determination
• Happiness that comes from within than rather depending on something external
• Self-acceptance
• Knowing and using your unique character and strengths in meaningful and healthy ways
• Sense of self as a part of something greater
• Desire for continued growth in all aspects
• Action (diverting from a passive mind state and lifestyle, waiting for things to get better)
• Thriving in the face of life’s difficulty (emotional resilience)
• Optimism (hope-the mindset that things will get better)
• Having and pursuing interests
• A accurate perception of reality, knowing that we can’t mind-read and that what we think is not always true
• Sense of independence rather than depending on others for identity or happiness
• Maintaining healthy relationships

People with developed mental wellbeing have what we call grit .Grit is means showing up for life .and the never give up attitude even when things are not going your way. Grit does not mean that you’ll never fail, because failing is part of success and life itself, it means never giving up
All in all these are things that that we should strive for in wanting to attain mental wellbeing. And a good Phycologist can help you attain this with time.


Going through something traumatic can affect you physically and mentally. trauma is an emotional response to that happened after you witness or go through overwhelming situations or situation like a robbery, death, accidents and war amongst many other situations. Trauma counselling is a tool that can help one heal and overcome the hurdles one faces after the harmful event.

Its important that after a traumatic event that one seeks counselling to mitigate the harmful effects that can follow the incident, here are some of these reasons.

prevent a downward spiral after the incident.

People with trauma often go through what is called a denial phase where they believe that they can return to a normal state without help. It can be true for some, but most people go through a downward spiral that could have been avoided if they got professional help from a qualified psychologist earlier.

A Psychologist can help to spot early signs like
• Despair
• Chronic fatigue
• Nervousness and anxiety
• Depression
• Violence towards self and others
• Loss of purpose in life
• Flashbacks
• Isolation and emotional detachment
• Substance and drug abuse